Tuesday, October 9, 2012

{Catching Up}

Well HELLO! It has been quite sometime since I last blogged! It has been the last thing on my mind after getting married, moving, starting school and a whole bunch of stuff in between! But now that I have some free time on my hands, I figured hey what the heck I'm going to blog!

Since I skipped so much time since my last post I figured I will just give the major events since then!

May 11th - Blake and I got married! 
     It was an amazing experience to be able to be in the temple with all of our family while Blake and I were sealed for time and all eternity! It was my most favorite day I have ever had!

July 4th - We got a NEPHEW and the Real Salt Lake Game!
     My sister Tori finally had little baby Jackson my first nephew! It was a great start to a great day!
     Later we went to the RSL game with Carly and Jenna which was so stupendous. Following the game they had a fantastic fireworks show!
                   Could the 4th have gotten any better? NO WAY!!

August 30 - Moving Day!
     Blake and I moved out of the first apartment we had together! We moved up to my parents house where we stayed for a couple days until we left for Tennessee.

 August 1 - Leaving for Tennessee!
     This was a bittersweet day, I was so excited to be moving to Tennessee and ready to have new adventures with my hubby but it was so hard for me to leave home and all my family which I had never been more than 30 minutes away from.We had tear filled goodbyes which still make my eyes get all watery, then we were gone.
     We had not told Blake's family we were on our way (they were expecting us on like the 6th so it was a surprise!)
     We had planned on driving all through out the night so that we could get the drive done and over with as fast as we could but we ran into a HUGE rainstorm that night like I had never seen so we stopped off in Kearney NE for the night!

August 2 - We made it!
     After the storm had passed from the night before we hopped back in trusty Ron Burgondy (our car) and back on the road we were! Since we had not told Blake's family we were coming when we finally arrived the house was locked up (we didn't arrive until like 11 pm or so) no one came at the doorbell, and Blake couldn't remember the garage door code! So we snuck around to the back and called his mom and she came out to see that there we were, standing on the back porch! The surprise turned out pretty good!

August 27 - School Time
     Our amazing summer came to an end when it was time to start school! I have a pretty easy schedule this semester while Blake's is a little bit more tricky. Its ok though we have 2 classes together, History and Spanish! Its fun to share classes with the hubs!

October 1 - Blake Got a Job!
     Blake started working at the hub at FedEx! It is a pretty good job, working part time we will both get benefits and they even do tuition reimbursement! The sucky part is that he works from like 10:30 at night until about 4 in the morning :[ let me tell you, sleeping alone really stinks!

Now we are finally up to date! It has certainly been a busy time but I have had the time of my life! I would not change any moment [except for maybe the rainstorm on our drive here. that was PRETTY scary!] 

Goodbye till next time!