Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

Yesterday was a glorious day! I was spoiled by my best friend! Me being me [the impatient girl that I am] couldn't wait to get/give the presents we had gotten eachother so we exchanged our gifts the night before!

[A little back story]

Every day that I go to work I bring a lunch and it is usually in a plastic grocery bag or a little back pack thing I have. So one day, while I was with Blake, I was getting ready for work aka packing my lunch I said that one day I would love to get a lunch box! One of those Disney princess ones or something like that.

So there is the back story.

So the night before Valentines Day he came over and gave me my present. When I opened it up I was SO excited! It was my Disney princess lunch box with Cinderella, Ariel and Rapunzel on the front! It has been the best present ever! I have packed a lunch in it every day, well the 2 days so far!

Then I gave him his Valentines Day gifts. He loves Bob Dylan and Life magazine did an entire magazine all on him! We were in Target when he saw it and he wanted it real bad! Luckily I was able to talk him out of buying it that day. I went back the next day and bought that magazine for him! I also made him a gift. I got a deck of normal playing cards and used distress ink on them, to make them look older. I then wrote down 52 things that I love about him and glued one onto each card.
When I gave him his gifts he was thrilled about the Bob Dylan magazine and I think a little bit confused about the cards [I asked him later and he thought I gave them to him to teach him some game or something]. So he had set the cards aside and was looking at the magazine when I told him he needed to look at the cards because they weren't just any playing cards. When he opened up the box and got the cards out and started reading them he was so happy! I thought that it was a pretty good gift and I am so glad that he thought so too!

The next day [Valentines Day] Blake came over to my apartment and brought me even more presents! He brought me flowers and chocolate covered strawberries! They were the most DELICOUS strawberries I have ever had! I felt bad because I didn't get Blake anything else :( The spoils went on even later that night because when I got off work I went over to Blake's and there was Texas Roadhouse and Pirates of the Caribbean 3 waiting for me! He knows me all to well because Texas Roadhouse is my favorite!

It was definitly the most AMAZING Valentines Day I have ever had! I am so thankful that I was able to spend it with the love of my life!

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