Friday, January 20, 2012

our week at a glance

Monday was filled with laziness, Cafe Rio, more laziness great company and awesome games! We had Sam, Marylynn and Amanda over to play some games. The night started out with Tetris on the old Nintendo, which Marylynn is AMAZING at, and then ended  with an intense game of Scrable! [Scrabble names King Sam, WD40, and Da Legend]. Blake and I played as a team [KGB] and won with some very well played words!
The next day we all joined up again at Pizza Pie Cafe for their kareoke night. It was only the second week of them hosting it and there was a line out the door! The entertainment was neverending with the great singers and hilarious crowd! Amanda ended the night with a bang as she sang "To Make You Feel My Love" by Adele, she is a FANTASTIC singer! The rest of the week has been kind of been a blur with me being at work all day and Blake having school in the mornings. The only other exciting thing that has happend this week is that we got our reception center! It is a great feeling to have all of the big things taken care of so now all that is left are the little things, well for the most part! We get married May 11th which is only 3 months and some change away but it feels like forever! I wish I could go to sleep one night and then wake up on May 11th and get married, but that only happens in my dream!

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Proposal

Blake here folks! So by request I have decided to post how I proposed to Kenzi. The day was the sixteenth of December and we had just arrived in the great state of Tennessee the day before. Kenzi was under the impression that I wasn't going to propose to her in Tennessee because she felt I was too scared to bring the ring on the plane; So instead I got the ring in Tennessee! Now the town that I'm from, Collierville, has a historic town square with old time shops and a little park in the middle. Always around the Christmas season they will decorate the square with lights and a big Christmas tree to get into the holiday spirit. With the help of my beloved mother, we had arranged where Kenzi and I will go to the square later that night to meet up with my family to look at the lights and to go into the little stores. Little did Kenzi know that more was going to happen that night than simple light gazing but that I would be proposing to her while my family would be hidden taking pictures of the amazing event. So as Kenzi and I walked into the square and into the little park by the Christmas tree there was a present on one of the park benches. I pretended to not know what it was doing there and said that we will sit and wait to meet up with the rest of the crew. As we sat I grabbed the present and put it on her lap and said, "Merry Christmas!". As she unwrapped the present and got to the tiny box that contained the ring I got down on one knee and asked her if she would want to marry me? The highlight of this story is that she said she would as she covered her face with her hands and may or may not have gotten a little teary. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

{when we first met}

Blake and I met at our singles ward in Provo. The first time I saw him I remember thinking how cute he was! Our first conversation was at one of our ward prayers. Names were exhanged, he told me I couldn't throw my trash away in a certain trash can and that was about the extent of our conversation. From that point on he asked for my name again at every ward prayer [he told me later that he really remembered it but he needed a reason to talk to me]. The first time he asked me out it was over Facebook. I made fun of him for it once but then he said the joke was on me since I still went out with him, I had no response to that.... [Not only did he ask me out on Facebook but he didnt even open my door! He thought that I went to the wrong car but really I was following him so he could open my door. He made fun of me for that for the longest time until I finally let him know that I didn't go to the wrong car but I was waiting for him to open my door! He hasn't made fun of me for that since]. We had the typical first date, you know the one that is like an interrogation "whats your favorite movie, food, color, music, animal, things to do" and so on. The conversation was infused with various movie quotes, mostly from Anchorman [his car is named Ron Burgondy]. Since our first date on September 20, we have been together every night, minus the times one of us have been gone!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Little Background

I (Kenzi) was born in Provo and grew up in Heber City, Utah. There are six people in my family, about to be seven; my dad Greg, mom Vicky, my older sister Tori, my brother-in-law Daniel, my younger sister Hallee and my soon to be husband Blake! My younger sister was adopted in 2002 from Little Rock Arkansas and our lives have been anything but boring from that point on! My favorite place to go is Disneyland which I believe is the HAPPIEST place on earth! I graduated from Wasatch High School in 2010 and then moved to Provo to go to UVU! Now I am just working at Satton Marketing which is a summer sales company that keeps me very busy! I love to watch movies and play board games. My greatest game moment would be when I played a 66 point word in Scrabble! I must say it was a killer word.

Now to introduce my fiance...

Blake was born in Georgia and grew up in Collierville Tennessee/ St. Louis Missouri! His family is a little bigger than mine;  his dad Laury, his mom Joni, his older brother Reed, his sister-in-law Megan, his niece Sage, his younger sister Alex and his younger brother Tanner! He played football for a little while but then decided that he wanted to play lacrosse. He loves to tell me about how much of a "beast" he was running around hitting people with sticks! He even played for the University of Memphis for a little while before he went on his mission! He served outside of New Orleans Louisiana and in one of his areas he could drive to Collierville, home, then back to his mission and still have miles on his car! After his mission he moved here to Utah, which doesn't make sense since he hates the snow, to go to school. He loves to play his guitars and harmonicas which he is amazing at! He also enjoys watching movies and playing games, but i always win.