Tuesday, October 9, 2012

{Catching Up}

Well HELLO! It has been quite sometime since I last blogged! It has been the last thing on my mind after getting married, moving, starting school and a whole bunch of stuff in between! But now that I have some free time on my hands, I figured hey what the heck I'm going to blog!

Since I skipped so much time since my last post I figured I will just give the major events since then!

May 11th - Blake and I got married! 
     It was an amazing experience to be able to be in the temple with all of our family while Blake and I were sealed for time and all eternity! It was my most favorite day I have ever had!

July 4th - We got a NEPHEW and the Real Salt Lake Game!
     My sister Tori finally had little baby Jackson my first nephew! It was a great start to a great day!
     Later we went to the RSL game with Carly and Jenna which was so stupendous. Following the game they had a fantastic fireworks show!
                   Could the 4th have gotten any better? NO WAY!!

August 30 - Moving Day!
     Blake and I moved out of the first apartment we had together! We moved up to my parents house where we stayed for a couple days until we left for Tennessee.

 August 1 - Leaving for Tennessee!
     This was a bittersweet day, I was so excited to be moving to Tennessee and ready to have new adventures with my hubby but it was so hard for me to leave home and all my family which I had never been more than 30 minutes away from.We had tear filled goodbyes which still make my eyes get all watery, then we were gone.
     We had not told Blake's family we were on our way (they were expecting us on like the 6th so it was a surprise!)
     We had planned on driving all through out the night so that we could get the drive done and over with as fast as we could but we ran into a HUGE rainstorm that night like I had never seen so we stopped off in Kearney NE for the night!

August 2 - We made it!
     After the storm had passed from the night before we hopped back in trusty Ron Burgondy (our car) and back on the road we were! Since we had not told Blake's family we were coming when we finally arrived the house was locked up (we didn't arrive until like 11 pm or so) no one came at the doorbell, and Blake couldn't remember the garage door code! So we snuck around to the back and called his mom and she came out to see that there we were, standing on the back porch! The surprise turned out pretty good!

August 27 - School Time
     Our amazing summer came to an end when it was time to start school! I have a pretty easy schedule this semester while Blake's is a little bit more tricky. Its ok though we have 2 classes together, History and Spanish! Its fun to share classes with the hubs!

October 1 - Blake Got a Job!
     Blake started working at the hub at FedEx! It is a pretty good job, working part time we will both get benefits and they even do tuition reimbursement! The sucky part is that he works from like 10:30 at night until about 4 in the morning :[ let me tell you, sleeping alone really stinks!

Now we are finally up to date! It has certainly been a busy time but I have had the time of my life! I would not change any moment [except for maybe the rainstorm on our drive here. that was PRETTY scary!] 

Goodbye till next time! 


Thursday, April 12, 2012


After a long 4 months of being engaged, yesterday we hit the one month mark! As my grandma says, it is time to start counting sleeps until the big day! So count I will! Twenty-nine more nights until the day we get married! The 29 seems daunting but after waiting 120 nights [4 months] it should be a cake walk!

It is crazy to think that in just one short month, we will be married! I have never been so excited for anything in my entire life! Not even Christmas when I was a kid compares to this excitement! When I think about how soon it is butterflies surge into my tummy and I can't help but smile! It is even getting harder to sleep at night knowing that we're almost to the finish line!

This month hopefully will fly by. Blake and I are both working a lot so in my mind [maybe I'm just crazy] it should make it go by worlds faster! If it goes by slow I don't even know if I will make it. I think that we have waited long enough to finally get hitched that I just want it to be tomorrow! Being engaged for so long was the worst idea we ever had!

One thing I thought would help it go by faster is that for Easter, Blake got me the Hunger Games! I thought it would take me a while to read you know that I would slowly but surely finish it in like 2 weeks or so [just with work and all] but no I got so sucked in that I finished it in 3 days. There goes my time passer!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


This last weekend five of us, Blake . Marylynn . Amanda . Sam . and I, packed up in Ron Burgondy [Blake's car] and went on a roadtrip to California! We left late Thursday night, 10 to be exact and then proceeded to drive all through the night. The car ride was quite hilarious, Blake named 108 Pokemon [there are 150 total], anti jokes were told [roses are red, violets are blue, I've got a gun now get in the van] and many more! We made a stop in Las Vegas because Blake Marylynn and Sam had never been! We went and walked the strip, ate at the always lovely Mcdonalds, then hopped back in the car for the 4 hour remaining drive! Blake drove for the first 6 hours until he reached exhaustion and delirium! The man Sam took over the wheel and got us to California safely! We tropped Marylynn off at the Newport Temple for her friends sealing, the rest of us went and got some breakfast then fell asleep in the car! When Marylynn was done we all got back in the car and went to Balboa Beach! It was such a beautiful day, 81 degrees and cloudless! It was so good to get away from the Utah cold! We tried to get in the water but boy oh boy was it freezing! Blake and I fell asleep on the sand while Sam took a run, and Marylynn and Amanda made a sandcastle! After our little nap Blake and I took a walk to gather seashells! We found some beauties and a sand dollar! I would say it was quite a productive time! 

The next day we went to DISNEYLAND which is definitely the HAPPIEST place on Earth, I am sure of it!

We scored an amazing deal on our park hopper tickets which means we got to go to both Disneyland and California Adventures [it was quite a busy day]!

We got on to all of the big rides, Indiana Jones, Jungle Cruise, Pirates of the Carribean, Haunted Mansion and Star Tours, within the 1st half hour! We were off to an amazing start to our day!  We even got to meet Aladdin and Jasmine!

After the big rides we hit up the Tea Cups and Alice and Wonderland, two of my favorite FantasyLand rides! Since we were in FantasyLand we all had to try pulling out the Sword in the Stone but sadly, none of us were able to pull it out!

Later in the afternoon we made our way over to the wonderful California Adventures! Sadly they had most of it closed down for renovations :(. Luckily the main attractions [minus Grizzly Rapids] were all open! Blake's favorite was Tower of Terror! Watching everyones faces on that ride was by far one of my favorite parts of the trips! Riding California Screamin was a blast as always! We waited in line so we could ride it together the first time then did the single rider line for the second. That ride never disapoints! We also road one of my most favorite rides, Soarin California. I just love the smell of the oranges as you go over the orange groves. That ride is just spectacular! I even caught Blake in a net of fish!

Once it was time for the parade we went back to Disneyland to watch! This was my first time watching it in a very long time and it did not disappoint! The floats that they make and magnificant. I can't even imagine all the work that goes into them! One of the most impressive things to me was that all of the dancers wore high heels! So they danced down the streets of Main Street USA, in heels .. Amazing! Some of my favorite floats included the Disney Pricesses of course! We ended the night off right with the fireworks show and the turkey legs which were SO good!

After those two LONG days, we all jumped back in the car to head home. It was a wonderful weekend!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

{Nights Out}

Last week Blake and I went on some pretty fun dates. We started the week out, as usual, going to karaoke on Tuesday night at the Pizza Pie Cafe [it has become a weekly traditon with our friends]. It was a FANTASTIC night! It started off strong with the lovely Amanda Call singing Adele [she did an amazing job] then ended with the dynamic duo Marylynn and Blake bustin out the Maggie May by Rod Stewart! They all did marvelous! Later on in the week we went to Nickel City with Blakes cousins Carly and Jenna. Blake and I tore it up on the Pharoahs Palace! It is one of those games where you drop the nickels in and try to make the other nickels fall off to get tickets. I must say, we rock at it! Then Blake almost won us a TON of tickets on the game Stacker [the one where you line up the blocks and try to get to the top]. He did amazing and almost made it to the top twice but sadly, he did not win ... The fun date week continued with the classic dinner and a movie date. We went out to the Rumbi Island Grill for some delicious food. They have great sweet potatoe fries. For the movie we went and saw Gone. We got there just as the movie started so we didn't have to watch all the previews and to make it even better, we snuck in candy [sour punch straws, bottle caps and raisinettes]! They were quite delicious! We really enjoyed the movie, it was suspensful and original!

To make the week even better, Blake spontaneously went out and bought a bunny! At first I was a little worried about the bunny biting me but he turned out to be so sweet! His name is Monty and he is the cutest, fluffiest bunny ever! The way he hops around is just so ADORABLE! The little guy gets going pretty fast and can jump pretty high! He is actually a pretty calm bunny, you can just sit with him and he will just cuddle up, kinda like a dog. Blake is pretty in love with the little guy. He is quite precious.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

Yesterday was a glorious day! I was spoiled by my best friend! Me being me [the impatient girl that I am] couldn't wait to get/give the presents we had gotten eachother so we exchanged our gifts the night before!

[A little back story]

Every day that I go to work I bring a lunch and it is usually in a plastic grocery bag or a little back pack thing I have. So one day, while I was with Blake, I was getting ready for work aka packing my lunch I said that one day I would love to get a lunch box! One of those Disney princess ones or something like that.

So there is the back story.

So the night before Valentines Day he came over and gave me my present. When I opened it up I was SO excited! It was my Disney princess lunch box with Cinderella, Ariel and Rapunzel on the front! It has been the best present ever! I have packed a lunch in it every day, well the 2 days so far!

Then I gave him his Valentines Day gifts. He loves Bob Dylan and Life magazine did an entire magazine all on him! We were in Target when he saw it and he wanted it real bad! Luckily I was able to talk him out of buying it that day. I went back the next day and bought that magazine for him! I also made him a gift. I got a deck of normal playing cards and used distress ink on them, to make them look older. I then wrote down 52 things that I love about him and glued one onto each card.
When I gave him his gifts he was thrilled about the Bob Dylan magazine and I think a little bit confused about the cards [I asked him later and he thought I gave them to him to teach him some game or something]. So he had set the cards aside and was looking at the magazine when I told him he needed to look at the cards because they weren't just any playing cards. When he opened up the box and got the cards out and started reading them he was so happy! I thought that it was a pretty good gift and I am so glad that he thought so too!

The next day [Valentines Day] Blake came over to my apartment and brought me even more presents! He brought me flowers and chocolate covered strawberries! They were the most DELICOUS strawberries I have ever had! I felt bad because I didn't get Blake anything else :( The spoils went on even later that night because when I got off work I went over to Blake's and there was Texas Roadhouse and Pirates of the Caribbean 3 waiting for me! He knows me all to well because Texas Roadhouse is my favorite!

It was definitly the most AMAZING Valentines Day I have ever had! I am so thankful that I was able to spend it with the love of my life!

Friday, January 20, 2012

our week at a glance

Monday was filled with laziness, Cafe Rio, more laziness great company and awesome games! We had Sam, Marylynn and Amanda over to play some games. The night started out with Tetris on the old Nintendo, which Marylynn is AMAZING at, and then ended  with an intense game of Scrable! [Scrabble names King Sam, WD40, and Da Legend]. Blake and I played as a team [KGB] and won with some very well played words!
The next day we all joined up again at Pizza Pie Cafe for their kareoke night. It was only the second week of them hosting it and there was a line out the door! The entertainment was neverending with the great singers and hilarious crowd! Amanda ended the night with a bang as she sang "To Make You Feel My Love" by Adele, she is a FANTASTIC singer! The rest of the week has been kind of been a blur with me being at work all day and Blake having school in the mornings. The only other exciting thing that has happend this week is that we got our reception center! It is a great feeling to have all of the big things taken care of so now all that is left are the little things, well for the most part! We get married May 11th which is only 3 months and some change away but it feels like forever! I wish I could go to sleep one night and then wake up on May 11th and get married, but that only happens in my dream!

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Proposal

Blake here folks! So by request I have decided to post how I proposed to Kenzi. The day was the sixteenth of December and we had just arrived in the great state of Tennessee the day before. Kenzi was under the impression that I wasn't going to propose to her in Tennessee because she felt I was too scared to bring the ring on the plane; So instead I got the ring in Tennessee! Now the town that I'm from, Collierville, has a historic town square with old time shops and a little park in the middle. Always around the Christmas season they will decorate the square with lights and a big Christmas tree to get into the holiday spirit. With the help of my beloved mother, we had arranged where Kenzi and I will go to the square later that night to meet up with my family to look at the lights and to go into the little stores. Little did Kenzi know that more was going to happen that night than simple light gazing but that I would be proposing to her while my family would be hidden taking pictures of the amazing event. So as Kenzi and I walked into the square and into the little park by the Christmas tree there was a present on one of the park benches. I pretended to not know what it was doing there and said that we will sit and wait to meet up with the rest of the crew. As we sat I grabbed the present and put it on her lap and said, "Merry Christmas!". As she unwrapped the present and got to the tiny box that contained the ring I got down on one knee and asked her if she would want to marry me? The highlight of this story is that she said she would as she covered her face with her hands and may or may not have gotten a little teary. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

{when we first met}

Blake and I met at our singles ward in Provo. The first time I saw him I remember thinking how cute he was! Our first conversation was at one of our ward prayers. Names were exhanged, he told me I couldn't throw my trash away in a certain trash can and that was about the extent of our conversation. From that point on he asked for my name again at every ward prayer [he told me later that he really remembered it but he needed a reason to talk to me]. The first time he asked me out it was over Facebook. I made fun of him for it once but then he said the joke was on me since I still went out with him, I had no response to that.... [Not only did he ask me out on Facebook but he didnt even open my door! He thought that I went to the wrong car but really I was following him so he could open my door. He made fun of me for that for the longest time until I finally let him know that I didn't go to the wrong car but I was waiting for him to open my door! He hasn't made fun of me for that since]. We had the typical first date, you know the one that is like an interrogation "whats your favorite movie, food, color, music, animal, things to do" and so on. The conversation was infused with various movie quotes, mostly from Anchorman [his car is named Ron Burgondy]. Since our first date on September 20, we have been together every night, minus the times one of us have been gone!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Little Background

I (Kenzi) was born in Provo and grew up in Heber City, Utah. There are six people in my family, about to be seven; my dad Greg, mom Vicky, my older sister Tori, my brother-in-law Daniel, my younger sister Hallee and my soon to be husband Blake! My younger sister was adopted in 2002 from Little Rock Arkansas and our lives have been anything but boring from that point on! My favorite place to go is Disneyland which I believe is the HAPPIEST place on earth! I graduated from Wasatch High School in 2010 and then moved to Provo to go to UVU! Now I am just working at Satton Marketing which is a summer sales company that keeps me very busy! I love to watch movies and play board games. My greatest game moment would be when I played a 66 point word in Scrabble! I must say it was a killer word.

Now to introduce my fiance...

Blake was born in Georgia and grew up in Collierville Tennessee/ St. Louis Missouri! His family is a little bigger than mine;  his dad Laury, his mom Joni, his older brother Reed, his sister-in-law Megan, his niece Sage, his younger sister Alex and his younger brother Tanner! He played football for a little while but then decided that he wanted to play lacrosse. He loves to tell me about how much of a "beast" he was running around hitting people with sticks! He even played for the University of Memphis for a little while before he went on his mission! He served outside of New Orleans Louisiana and in one of his areas he could drive to Collierville, home, then back to his mission and still have miles on his car! After his mission he moved here to Utah, which doesn't make sense since he hates the snow, to go to school. He loves to play his guitars and harmonicas which he is amazing at! He also enjoys watching movies and playing games, but i always win.